one platform to handle every project - WorkflowMax
Say goodbye to needless paperwork, complex spreadsheets and so many other painful tasks you have to do when you run a small or medium sized business.

Lead Manager
If you are receiving numerous calls or enquiries it becomes impossible to remember every detail about every enquiry and that is why the Lead Manager is fantastic.
Get projects on track! Get insights into transactional detail listing or data over short period of time for a limited number of employees or trending metrics.
Job Management
Get an overview of all your jobs and apply filters as needed. Choose to view by deadline, important dates or staff allocation.
WorkflowMax supports more than six different ways to track time, either by timer, entering time stamps, duration, via mobile or desktop widgets.
Mobile App
Quickly access WorkflowMax on a mobile device. Use timer to record time on the go, easily manage job details or view client information at a glance.
Job Costing
See your estimated costs broken down into tasks and compare them to quoted and actual cost. See the profit on each job.
Purchase Order
Increase your cashflow! Issue invoices, pull data from timesheets and control every aspect of your invoice, from how it looks to what information gets displayed.
Xero integration
WorkflowMax is Xero-owned and integrated. With Xero and WorkflowMax you have everything you need to maximise your business performance.
Time Sheeting
Time-sheets contain details of the time worked on specific tasks by each staff member for a given week. See Weekly Summary time sheets screen or view staff member individual summary.
The perfect job management system
Trusted by 10,000+ customers worldwide.
TRACK profitability
Know what type of project earns you the most money or whether you’re under-charging clients.
Whether you’re at a client’s office or exploring the Amazon rainforest, you can manage your business from anywhere.
Create invoices automatically from your time-sheets. Data flows seamlessly from quote to job and to invoice.
Send beautiful, custom branded quotes and invoices. Data flows seamlessly from quote to job to invoice.
Ready for a closer look? Watch it in action.
Discover why more than 5000 business in Australia trust WorkflowMax.
You can also easily integrate WorkflowMax with XERO, SalesForce, HubSpot, Google Drive, Dropbox, PlanRight, Box, Adobe and more!
1. Can we have integrated WorkflowMax with Xero?
WorkflowMax offers the best integration with Xero Accounting of any available app. Data moves between Xero and WorkflowMax with a single click. When you create a sales invoice in WorkflowMax, you can push that data through to Xero.
2. How long does it take to get WorkflowMax implemented?
A WorkflowMax implementation can be done in record speed comparative to other project management systems. An implementation for a client with a dozen employees was done in less than 5 days. With good prior planning, the implementation can be a breeze.
3. Can we change the look of our invoices?
Yes, we will tailor your invoices and other business templates to your brand style, including purchase order and more. Once it’s up and running, you can access it anywhere where there is an internet connection. And you can use it on a PC, laptop, tablet or a smart phone.
4. Can I have more than one quote on a job?
Sure. But if you create multiple quotes on the job then it is only the latest accepted quote (the so-called “master quote”) that will be referred to when creating an invoice based on the quoted value.
5. How do I account for non-billable time?
WorkflowMax allows you to track time even if you don’t need to bill it directly to your clients, such as staff meetings, administration, annual sick or leave or training and professional development.
Got question? Ask us!
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Give as a call if you need immediate help with WorkflowMax.
Strategic Focus Group
We are a group of Australian run businesses empowering companies and owners by making cloud and IT technologies a business advantage. By using our experience and expertise in business, IT, marketing and accountancy, we help small and medium companies become more productive, competitive and profitable.
XERO | Implementer
Control-C | Certified Partner
WorkflowMax | WorkflowMax Advisor
Deputy | DEPUTY Partner
Insightly CRM | Authorised Partner
Tradify | Tradify Implementer
DEAR Inventory | DEAR Partner
Microsoft | Microsoft Certified Experts
Dropbox | Partner
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Osborne Park WA 6017
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